INTERCONNECT Planning Tools for Public Transport (2019 - 2020) |
Indicator and catalogue tools |
On behalf of HIE-RO, RRG developes planning tools for public transport for the INTERCONNECT project (Interreg South Baltic). On the one hand, an self-evaluation tool shall be developed, enabling city and region administrations and public transport operators to assess their public transport systems on the basis of selected key indicators, to compare it with other cities or regions and to monitor performance over time. The indicators cover diffferent fields such as (i) sustainability, (ii) social interaction, (iii) traffic and safety, and (iv) efficiency.
Secondly, a catalogue tool of good solutions, project and products shall be developed, providing overview of current best practices, solutions and products in the field of public transport. Solutions are described with product sheets and can be found and compared by the user via keywords and a hierarchical tree structure.