Environmental Monitoring Information System Kuwait (eMISK) (2009 - 2012) |
Partner: |
GISCON Solutions (Kamen) |
 RRG, as a cooperation partner of GISCON Solutions (lead consultant) participates in the establishment of the Environmental Monitoring Information System Kuwait (eMISK) on behalf of the Environment Public Authority (EPA) of the State of Kuwait. The objective of eMISK is the establishment of a GIS-based, comprehensive environmental monitoring system for Kuwait, covering all environment-related themes.
RRG is responsible for for the provision, usage and implementation of socio-economic data and applications. In detailed, RRG is concerned with
- Identification of socio-economic data needs of the EPA, data availability and gaps in socio-economic data
- evaluation of possible socio-economic data sources and their data fitness for the EPA purposes
- designing the components of the socio-economic data domain to be implemented in the overall GIS database
- demonstration of the advantages and benefits of high resolution socio-economic data on the raster level for environmental applications to the EPA Senior Management
- advice to the EPA on the provision and acquisition of socio-economic data
- participation in the user needs assessment process
- Support in the implementation of environmental applications and models
- participation in the eMISK Awareness Seminar
- support to the lead consultant in the management of the consultantīs team.
Upon project completion, the overall system will consist of three main components:
(i) the eMISK Enterprise GIS database, storing all environmental information for Kuwait; (ii) the eMISK Enterprise GIS Application for internal use at EPA to access, update and modify the environmental data; and (iii) the Beatona public GIS web portal allowing the public to get access to environmental information of Kuwait.

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Futher Information: |
Contact person for this project at RRG is Mr. Carsten Schürmann. |