GeoCensus Kuwait (2011 - 2013) |
Kuwait GeoCensus 2011 |
Partners: |
ESRI NEA (Cairo), GISCON Solutions (Kamen), Universe Computers (Kuwait City) |
As a subcontractor to GISCON Solutions, RRG participates in a consortium with ESRI NeA, Egypt, and Universe Computers, Kuwait, in the Kuwait GeoCensus 2011 project from Kuwait Central Statistical Office (CSO).
The project aims at linking Kuwait 2011 census data to up-to-date base maps of Kuwait resulting in Kuwait’s first GeoStatistical Database. The project also aims at the development of an Intranet-based GIS System for the spatial analysis and calculation of various demographic and statistical indicators. A dedicated web-portal is to be developed for sharing such indicators and census data with the public on interactive on-line maps.Eventually, the project also developed the first socio-economic Atlas of Kuwait, based upon 2011 Census results.
RRG is responsible for overall quality control in the project, and for the selection, calculation and implementation of relevant socio-economic indicators. RRG furthermore gives advice to the project team for the design of the graphical user interfaces as well as on the functionalities to offer through the web applications.