Interfaces between GIS, Transport Models and other Simulation Models (1997 - 2004) |
The development of interfaces between GIS, transport models and other simulation models is one of the core competences of RRG with lexperiences gained in several projects. This tasks comprises the development, design, programming and implementation of interfaces between ArcGIS/ArcInfo on the one hand and transport models or simulation models such as EMME/3, VSS or the 'Dortmund Modell' on the other hand. Dependig on specific project requirements, the interfaces are developed using AML, FORTRAN or VBA programming languages. On the GIS side all of them are build upon the RRG GIS database, and are being designed to convert the GIS data into the required (internal) data format of the transport models. An overview on the recently developed interfaces is provided here. We very much would like to assist you in the development of new or in the adjustment of existing interfaces.