Trans-European Transport Networks (1996 - 2004) |
Die RRG GIS database of trans-European transport networks is the essential part of the overall RRG GIS Database, comprising road, railway and waterway networks, inland ports and seaports and airports for 38 European countries. The road network contains all motorways, dual-carriageway roads, E-roads and other important trunk roads, as well as selected regional and local roads in agglomerations. The railway network contains all railway lines in Europe under operation today except for some private owned lines and except for some railway lines purely devoted to freight traffic. The waterway networks contains all navigable rivers, canalised rivers and canals, ferry connections, short sea shipping routes as well as outline plans for the motorways of the sea currently under debate, including the relevant inland ports and seaports. Moreover, the database also contains some 1,600 airports of regional, national and international importance. A substantial feature of all the transport network layers is the full coding of the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T) as defined and promoted by the European Commission, as well as the coding of a full history of the networks starting in 1981 and ranging into future until 2021. For the future developments of the networks, the outline plans of the TEN-T and TINA programs in conjunction with a selection of other important national outline plans are coded in the database. As one of the important field of applications for these datasets are national or European-wide transport models, the datasets already include functional access links and centroids for the whole of Europe serving as origins and destinations for traffic flow simulations. Basically, the centroids represent NUTS-2 and NUTS-3 level centres, however, upon request centroids representing any other set of origins and destinations can also be defined. A comprehensive description of the RRG GIS Database including all attribute information and the full network topology including ordering details can be found here.