RRG GIS Database
Interaction data and regional data - Neighbourhood matricesNeighbourhood matrices indicate whether or not regions are neighbouring each other. The neighbourhood matrices are available in binary format, i.e. ‘1’ indicates that two particular regions are neighbours, whereas ‘0’ indicates that they are not neighbouring each other.
Neighbourhood matrices can be generated for different statistical levels, from NUTS 0 level (i.e. country level) to NUTS 5 level (i.e. municipality level). Upon request such matrices can also be generated for specific systems of regions.

RRG GIS Database contents:General information
Transport networks
Region boundaries, admninistrative boundaries
Interaction data and regional data
Neighbourhood matrices
Airline distances, network distances or Manhattan distances
Travel time and travel cost matrices
Accessibility indices and peripherality indicators
Climatic conditions
Quality of life
Topographic data